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Install Printer Lexmark Z605 For SuSE 9.3

Referrensi ;

Download driver ;
Driver for RedHat Linux 9.0
dari ;

buat folder lexmark seperti dibawah ini kemudian download file ke folder ini :

tar -xzvf CJLZ600LE-CUPS-1.0-1.TAR.gz

sh -keep -target tmp

cd tmp

rpm -ivh z600llpddk-2.0-1.i386.rpm

rpm -ivh z600cups-1.0-1.i386.rpm --nodeps

Pastikan printer sudah terkoneksi.

Kemudian setting printer ;
YaST --> Hardware --> Printer --> Configure

Bila benar pada tampilan Printer Configuration tertulis ;
Available are :
Lexmark Z600 Series; Connection: //Lexmark/Z600%20Series

kemudian klik Configure...

Name for printing :

Description of Printer :
Lexmark Z600 Series

Location of Printer :
USB printer on //Lexmark/Z600%20Series

klik next

Select manufacturer :

Select model :
Z600 Color Jetprinter

klik next --> bila benar secara otomatis hasilnya pada Edit Configuration akan seperti ini :

Name and basic settings z600 Series
Printer model Lexmark Z600 Color Jetprinter
PPD file Lexmark Z600 v1.0-1 (Lexmark-Z600cj- cups.ppd.gz
Connection USB printer on

klik OK --> Finish

Buka Writer
File --> Printer Settings
Name z600series
Type CUPS:z600series

Catatan ;

untuk melihat model-model printer ;
cd /usr/share/cups/model

lihat di /usr/share/cups/model bertambah file berwarna hijau bernama ;

format file printer adalah ;

untuk melihat versi Cups ;
rpm -q cups

Flash Drive / USB Drive

Cara I :

Start application --> Run Command : Xterm

[ root ] # modprobe usb-storage

[ root ] # mkdir/mnt/flash

[ root ] # cd /mnt/flash

[ mnt/flash ] # ls

[ root ] # umount /dev/sda1

Cara II :

Memeriksa modul drive yg terinstal :

[ root ] # lsmod


Bila usb-storage sudah ada maka kita tidak perlu membuatnya lagi. Bila belum, maka kita buat :
[ root ] # modprobe usb-storage

Menghapus usb-storage :
[ root ] # rmmod usb-storage

Membuat direktory utk Flash Drive :
[ root ] # mkdir /mnt/flash

Menghapus direktory Flash :
[ mnt ] # rm -rf flash

Mengaktifkan direktory Flash :
[ root ] # mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/flash

Menon-aktifkan direktory flash :
[ root ] # umount /dev/sda1

Masuk ke direktory Flash :
[ root ] # cd /mnt/flash

Membuat file di direktory flash :
[ mnt/flash ] # touch coba
[ mnt/flash ] # vi coba
[ mnt/flash ] # ls

Referensi :

Install LimeWire di SuSE 9.3

Download file LimeWire (Linux) v4.2.6 dari :;3760360;/fileinfo.html

ke directory : /home/admin

Cara install limewire :

[admin] # sh ./LimeWireLinux.bin

Cara memanggilnya :

buka Run Command : /home/admin/LimeWire/./LimeWire

Mapping SuSE 9.3


Mempercepat Browser Firefox

reference :

How to speed up Firefox

ketik di browser : about:config

cari baris : network.http.pipelining

klik dua kali hingga Value nya menjadi true

cari baris : network.http.proxy.pipelining

klik dua kali hingga Value nya menjadi true

cari baris : browser.turbo.enabled

klik dua kali hingga Value nya menjadi true

cari baris : network.http.pipelining.maxrequests

klik kanan, pilih New --> Integer

beri nama baru : nglayout.initialpaint.delay dan beri Value nya 0

kemudian restart firefox.


Remote Windows melalui SuSE 9.3

# rdesktop

Short Icon pada Thunderbird

Klik kanan pada desktop --> Create New --> Link to Application.

--> Klik pd gbr roda gigi --> other icons --> Browser

/home/admin1/Thunderbird/thunderbird/icons/mozicon50.xpm --> open.

Pada Tab General berinama Email --> pada Tab Application --> Command :

/home/admin1/Thunderbird/thunderbird/ ./thunderbird -profilemanager

Menginstall Thunderbird, Enigmail, GnuPG pada Red Hat 9.0

Menginstall Thunderbird

Buat Folder bernama thunder di /

Download file thunderbird-1.0.2.tar.gzdari Download Thunderbird 1.0.2 for Linux, English (9.9MB)

ke folder thunder.

tar -zxvf thunderbird-1.0.2.tar.gz

cd /thunderbird


Menginstall Enigmail

Download file v0.90.2-tb-linux.xpi :

[root@voogen paul]# wget

buka Thunderbird

Klik Tab Tools --> Extentions --> Install, arahkan ke folder /home/paul/enigmail-0.90.2-tb-linux.xpi

Menginstall GnuPG

buat folder GnuPG

download file gnupg-1.4.1.tar.gz dari ke folder GnuPg.

tar -zxvf gnupg-1.4.1.tar.gz

cd gnupg-1.4.1



make install

file gpg nya ada di: /usr/local/bin/gpg

buka Thunderbird
klik tab Enigmail --> Preferences, isi kolom GnuPG executable path ke /usr/local/bin/gpg.

Membuat Key Pair.

klik tab Enigmail --> OpenPGP Key Management --> Generate --> New Key Pair, isi Passphrase dengan password anda, centong pada Key does not expire, klik Generate key, kemudian simpan file tersebut di folder /home/paul.

Export Keys to File.

klik tab Enigmail --> OpenPGP Key Management --> File --> Export Keys to File, muncul tampilan Enigmail Confirm, klik yes, kemudian arahkan ke folder /home/paul.

Membuat New Account Setup

Klik Start --> Mozilla Tunderbird --> Profile Manager --> muncul tampilan

welcome to the Create Profile Wizard --> klik Next --> muncul tampilan

Completing the Create Profile Wizard dan isi kolom Enter new profile name:

Voogen --> klik Finish --> muncul tampilan Thunderbird – Choose User Profile,

klik pada Voogen, kemudian klik Start Thunderbird --> muncul tampilan New

Account Setup, klik Next --> muncul tampilan Identity --> isi Your Name:

Voogen --> isi Email Address: --> muncul tampilan Server

Information --> klik POP --> isi Incoming Server; --> isi

Outgoing Server; --> klik Next --> muncul tampilan User

Names --> isi Incoming User Name; voogen --> isi Outgoing User Name;

voogen --> klik Next --> muncul tampilan Account Name --> isi Account

Name; --> klik Next --> muncul tampilan Congratulations

--> klik Finish --> muncul tampilan Enter Your Password --> isi dengan

password anda.

Membuat Folder

Klik Tab Tools --> Message Filters --> New --> muncul

tampilan Filter Rules --> isi kolom Filter name; mobile

--> kolom Subject arahkan ke To or CC --> kolom contains

tidak dirubah --> kolom kosong isi; -->

beri chek list pada Move to folder --> klik tab New Folder

isi Name: Mobile --> klik kolom Local Folders, arahkan pada

choose this for the parent --> klik OK. -->muncul tampilan

Message Filters, klik pada mobile, kemudian klik Run Now

--> selesai. Ulangi langkah ini untuk alamat email yg lain.


Backup Thunderbird :

klik Edit > Account Settings

klik Server Settings > Local directory :
pindahkan ke :

klik Local Folders > Local directory :
/home/voogen/.mozilla-thunderbird/whowk2on.default/Mail/Local Folders
pindahkan ke :
